Reliable security services in Finland

Total Sec Oy is private security company based in Finland. We are flexible partner with solid reputation. Total Sec Oy is established 2004. We are best known of providing security services to biggest events and most demanding customers in Finland. Our event security service packages covers everything you need to organize event of any size in Finland. Besides event security Total Sec Oy also provides bodyguards, private investigators, real estate and office building protection (guards and/or electronical surveillance), safety planning and safety training.

Total Sec Oy maintains an extremely detailed hiring procedure for all personnel. Our process includes drug testing, in-house background checks, verification of previous employment, education, home address, and other credentials. Also required are knowledge and language tests, and a safety and general orders orientation

Our training department continuously updates our security personnel with the latest government and industry regulations. Our training includes guard basic training required by the law and also customer service, tactics and use of force. This security guard training allows Total Sec Oy to keep our staff ready for even most demanding operations and conduct operations in a way that are in compliance with the legislation.

Total Sec Oy is also producer, distributor and re-seller of tools, electronics and accessories for the security field. Our selection is wide and covers everything you need for work and training. We supply mainly Finnish authorities and well known security companies. We are registered supplier of NATO and UN. Through our web-store ( also private customers can buy quality products. We have own product development division and capability to design and manufacture also customized products even in small quantities. Our own product line Authorities Gear equipment has been tested in the field. Each item has been approved by their users in accordance with the highest standards.

We operate widely on Finnish security field and we welcome any inquiries. If you are looking for right security partner in Finland then just give us a call or send us mail.

Service in English.
Tel +358 10 271 3902

Read More About Our Close Protection Services In Finland!

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